Quality Forum conducts training programs, lectures, seminars and events, sometimes in association with other leading organizations.

For more information about some of the events conducted in the past, please visit the EVENTS page, and then select the year.



The World Quality Week was celebrated on 16th November 2024 at Hotel Suba International, Mumbai.  The theme of this year’s event was “Quality: From Compliance to Performance”.  Mr. Shivkumar Vishwanathan, our Jt. Secretary introduced the two speakers and invited Mr. G. Natarajan, our Chairman to give the opening remarks.

After welcoming the participants and introducing the theme, Mr. Natrajan, in his opening remarks, emphasized the critical need for organizations to adopt quality as a performance enabler, fostering innovation and continual improvement.

Mr. Sadguru Kulkarni, Consultant, Mumbai, the first speaker made an insightful presentation on “Turnaround of R&D Performance through Process Quality”  He shared a compelling scenario demonstrating how enhancing process quality in R&D can lead to significant improvements in productivity, innovation, and overall organizational performance.  His talk was enriched with practical examples and actionable insights, resonating with the audience.

The second speaker, Mr. Basudev Bhattacharya, our Secretary shared his extensive experience in Quality & Measurement systems through his presentation “Compliance to Performance - A few Examples”.  Drawing on real-world examples, he illustrated how organizations can leverage compliance frameworks as a foundation for achieving operational excellence.  His engaging presentation included case studies, particularly on electrical safety leading to fires, that highlighted measurable benefits from such an approach.

The function ended with a vote of thanks to all concerned by Mr. Shivkumar, which was followed by a Networking Dinner.

On the occasion of World Quality Week 2024, QualityForum released our newsletter, Quality Quest.

Quality Quest 2024, Vol 16, No 1

Photographs  of  wqW  2024  function  can  be  viewed  through  the  following  link

GOOGLE Photo Album