Quality Forum conducts many programs, lectures, seminars and events, sometimes in association with other leading organizations.

For more information about some of the events conducted in the past, please visit the EVENTS page, and then select the year.

NOVEMBER 12, 2020


Quality Forum celebrated the World Quality Day on 12 November 2020, through a Seminar focused on the theme ‘“Creating Customer Value”’.

We continued the tradition of holding this annual event, only this time it was an on-line affair, in view of the Pandemic.

It was our pleasure to invite members, their families and friends to view this video function by clicking on the following link at 6.00 PM on Thursday the 12 November 2020.  Even if this timing was missed, one could still connect anytime thereafter.

The hour-long video function consisted of interesting lectures, songs, dance and hilarious items so that it was both informative and entertaining.

On this occasion, we also published our World Quality Day e-Newsletter, Quality Quest, which can be viewed, read and downloaded from our website,

Please feel free to share these links with your friends and colleagues.

PROCEEDINGS  of  the  wqd  2020  function  can  STILL  be  viewed  through  the  following  YOUTUBE VIDEO link